Play Funky Slap Bass Riffs with Jim Lee
No Theory Video - Beginner to Pro
Jim Lee is an artist, musician and educator. He plays the bass, drums, guitar and other instruments too. He's been in many bands, from blues to punk.
Most bass instruction is theory oriented and boring... I wanted FUNKYCHOPS to be easy and fun. FUNKYCHOPS is a play-by-ear method that requires no note reading or prior slap bass knowledge.
Video AND audio
Each riff features audio and video played at 3 speeds. Jim plays a riff and you say “cool, can you play that slower?” ... no problem, you hear it played slower and then you imitate. This is how Jim learned, except you'll be learning much faster!
101 riffs in 3 speeds
You will learn, slowly, the tricks to play riffs that blaze. Plus you'll improve your ear-playing skills which will make you a better bassist.
This slap bass video & audio instruction works with Windows & Mac computers. Download is simple & easy.
Slap your bass today