Monday, May 21, 2007

Over Fifteen Hundred Guitar Licks

Get right down to the nitty gritty with your guitar playing using a massive guitar lick collection of over 1500 licks containing all of the following Musician Expansion Packs™ in one package!

Beginning players will gain a solid foundation of establishing good practice habits, understand how to correctly read guitar tablature, and learn the essentials of playing lead and rhythm guitar licks and riffs. Beginning, intermediate and advanced players alike will gain insight into how to establish and develop their own playing style, and obtain a wealth of exclusive finger patterns to add to their growing vocabulary of guitar rhythms and licks.

The Package Contains:
500 lead guitar licks and riffs.

100 blues guitar licks and riffs.

500 rhythm guitar licks and riffs.

500 guitar arpeggio licks and riffs.


Infinite Looping which allows you to keep your hands free.
This means you can start and stop playback whenever you like.
You can play each lick at full or half speed.

Printable "Guitar Book on Demand" containing more than 250 combined pages packed with every guitar lick, rhythm, arpeggio and guitar instruction method from all four packages.
You can print each book, selected pages, or all of them, allowing you to practice away from your computer.

Guitar Tablature and Standard Notation Using guitar tabs / guitar tablature is the easiest way to learn guitar and play guitar music which allows players of all levels to quickly learn each guitar lick and riff.
Although the ability to read sheet music is not required, but it is available to those who prefer to learn using standard musical notation.

Integrated Sound for all of the guitar licks, rhythms and arpeggios lets you listen to each lick before playing to enhance your learning process.
Available as Digital Audio Electric Guitar, Digital Audio Acoustic Guitar, or MIDI formats.
All digital audio licks are recorded at full and half speed.

Simplified Navigation allows you to browse through each guitar lick one by one, going directly to a guitar riff or lick you want to learn.
Navigation is easy with the simple click of your mouse.

The Guitar Fretboard Map that contains all of the finger positions for all of the notes on the guitar neck so that you can learn the string and fret location of every note on the guitar neck. The map is accessible from every interactive lick screen for quick review.
Use this knowledge to master the art of transposing licks and playing the guitar in any key you want, or need to.

The Guitar Tablature Reference Guide shows you how to read and understand guitar tab / guitar tablature notation.
The reference guide is a simple click away from every interactive lick screen for easy access.

Transposing Basics removes the limitations of playing your guitar licks in a single key and lets you easily identify what key a guitar lick or riff is written in.
Expand this knowledge to every lick and riff in this package, and to the guitar licks you already know.

Morphing Instructions Guitar lessons / guitar instruction on morphing lead guitar licks and guitar riffs.
Create your own guitar solos and rhythms and play music your way.
Learn how to "morph" a lick or rhythm to fit any musical playing style and develop your own unique sound.
Stand out from the rest of the crowd by developing and using your own unique guitar playing style.

Practice Tips help you learn to play guitar the right way.
Avoid the frustration of making mistakes that you will need to "unlearn" in the future.
Get the most out of your practice time every time you play the guitar.

Explore the Complete Guitar Pack here