Saturday, May 26, 2007

How To Play Guitar Without Reading Music

Have you started learning only to put your instrument down in frustration, never wanting to pick it up again? Do you want a simple, easy-to-use guitar lesson that works?
It doesn't matter how difficult it's been in the past to find time to practice... how much patience you have or how easily you get frustrated!
We really don't learn in a linear A B C type format... we learn what we are interested in...
If you are like most people, you have probably tried to learn to play a musical instrument before and failed. If so, then be aware that you have probably been programmed to learn in an inefficient and largely unrewarding way.
As a result, many hours of practice have been lost because you can't remember what you've learned. And, obviously, if you can't remember it, you can't use it. You have wasted a great deal of time learning that learning music is all work and no reward - it time to learn a new way.
The concept of Express Guitar™ revolves around the view that ANYONE can learn the guitar in a dramatically short period of time.
Having spent over 30 years as a professional player myself at all levels of the industry, I personally observed too many successful players reach a professional performance level virtually overnight to believe that such a thing is a freaky and one in a million thing.
Express Guitar™ features unique 3D diagrams which help you to visualize the hand formations for chords commonly played on the guitar. The diagrams are arranged from the player's point of view, making it easy for you to work faster, being able to read diagrams while you play.
You don't need to be able to read music to start Express Guitar™! With no previous musical knowledge at all, you can start today to play the guitar. You don't even need to know the names of the guitar strings or musical notes.
You can decode printed music without really knowing how to "read it" the classical way. You will learn favorite songs much faster with the method of "pigeon holing" songs that you may already have in print form. That means without being able to read the music, you can translate what you see into easily played guitar chords!
With the Express Guitar™ method you'll be able to pick up lead guitar solos on your favorite recordings, or when you perform, take over the spotlight when a vocalist takes a break. No more bits and pieces of songs. You'll be able to recognize and reproduce the entire performance if you want, or add nuances to make it your own.
For your free "How To Remember 1,000 Tunes Guitar Course" and more information on Express guitar lessons, CLICK HERE!