Washinton, D.C. guitarist Will Landrum has developed an easy-to-use guitar method called Powerful Modal Theory and Soloing which covers everything about understanding music theory applied directly to the guitar as well as mastering diatonic scales over the entire fretboard.
This is definitely the kind of information you need to begin to "think for yourself" on the guitar as the first step to playing guitar solos in your own style.
Will's Guitar method features video clips which run in a continuous loop but you have complete control over when to start, stop or freeze frame them.
AND the videos are shot over Will's shoulder so you are watching from the same point of view as if you were watching yourself play.
Every high quality video clip is accompanied by a clear and precise neck diagram so there's no doubt in your mind as to what notes Will is playing. The videos also show you what fingers to use to play the notes.
One Important Skill You Get From Will's Videos
You will be able to jam along with any song by understanding exactly what to play and when to play it
You discover how chords are built...like what makes a minor chord minor?...and a major 9th chord a major 9th?...or a 13th chord a 13th?
Your Lead Playing Takes A Quantum Leap!
Will Landrum says, "I fill you in on how to apply modal theory to your soloing. In this section, I explain various approaches to soloing that I take based on modal theory. That IS the reason for knowing this stuff right? To help propel your soloing knowledge to a world class level!"
Why Leave Your Guitar Playing To Chance?
When You Can Guarantee It Every Time?
Play Lead Guitar Over The Entire Fretboard
Play Any Diatonic Scale Anywhere On The Fretboard
Know The Names Of All The Notes You Play
Know What Notes To Hit And Where To Hit Them Perfectly Every Time Before You Even Make A Sound
Write Your Own Songs That Sound Musically Correct Every Time
Correctly Solo Over Any Section Of Any Song
Correctly Improvise "On The Spot" When You Jam With Other Musicians
Know What Scale To Use For Soloing Over Any Chord Progression
Free Yourself From The "Guitar Rut" Literally Forever
Think For Yourself On Guitar
Know Exactly What Chords Belong To Any Key
Guitar Techniques You Learn Include:
Multi-String "Piano Tapping"
W I D E Interval Skips
Alternate Speed Picking
Sweep Picking
Hammers and Pulls Like You've Never Seen Before
Heavy Rock Rhythms
Palm Muffling
Palm Muting
Ascending Notes
The Final Word Of Wisdom From Will"
"These Guitar Clinics Save You A Ton Of Time And Money!
I've taught everything contained in these guitar courses to my private students over the years. That includes writing everything down on their time, demonstrating the scales and licks on their time, drawing the diagrams on their time, explaining the theory on their time,n their time, etc. I think you see my point.
"On the average it took about 16 private lessons to teach all this material. Also, my credentials easily validate creating and giving them homework on their time, giving them tests on their time, grading their tests on their time, engaging in practice jams oe my hourly rate of $90 per hour. Ok...I'll do the math for you, that's $1,440 in private lessons.
"But...as a result of applying these techniques, those students now think for themselves on guitar which is knowledge that they have and use for the rest of their lives.
"Hey, you're more than welcome to come to my studio to learn all this one on one with me privately at $90 an hour but I thought I'd save you a ton of time and money wrapping it all up into convenient home study courses that you can refer to anytime you wish.
"Everything is explained in PLAIN English... which means they're easy to read and understand."
Learn to play lead guitar over the entire fretboard